ADR Master 3 - Knowledge Base

MIDI Triggers


Although visual events can be added or imported directly from a file in any of the supported file formats, it is often desirable to trigger visual cues through external MIDI events (e.g. from your DAW). ADR Master can have Streamer, Punch/Flutter and ADR Cue Preroll events triggered this way.

It is not possible to trigger Markers via Triggers.

The added advantage of using Triggers, is that different colour streamers can be added for different musical notes on the keyboard - which can be useful for example to conduct different parts of an orchestra or different crowd actors to start at different points.

Defining a new MIDI Trigger

Trigger events can be programmed in the table in the MIDI Triggers tab of the Preferences window.

Trigger Preferences{width=70%}

When clicking the + button, a new row will appear with settings for the type of event to create when the trigger note is detected on the MIDI Trigger Input (ADR Cue Preroll, Streamer or Flutter), as well as the MIDI note that should trigger the event, the duration and the colour.

If the reference unit is set to tempo in the Streamer Preferences, a tempo for the trigger can be selected here.

Please be aware that these triggers may not be frame accurate when using supported video devices from Avid®, Blackmagic Design and AJA.

Routing MIDI Triggers from your DAW

Create a new MIDI track in your DAW. Set the output of the track to ADR Master Trigger In (virtual) > Channel-1.

Create MIDI notes at the desired points on that track as per the notes defined- to trigger the respective visual events.


GPIO commands are sent for all the main record actions associated to Visual Events & Live Events- to drive external devices, eg Record Safe / Cue Lights.

These are the current commands supported:

Trigger Command Sent
On Rehearse Pass Start 0x90 0x02 0x01
On Rehearse Pass Stop 0x80 0x02 0x01
On Cue In Point (in Rehearse Pass) 0x90 0x04 0x01
On Cue Out Point (in Rehearse Pass) 0x80 0x04 0x01
On Record Pass Start 0x90 0x00 0x01
On Record Pass Stop 0x80 0x00 0x01
On Cue In Point (in Record Pass) 0x90 0x01 0x01
On Cue Out Point (in Record Pass) 0x80 0x01 0x01
On Review Pass Start 0x90 0x03 0x01
On Review Pass Stop 0x80 0x03 0x01
On Cue In Point (in Review Pass) 0x90 0x05 0x01
On Cue Out Point (in Review Pass) 0x80 0x05 0x01
On Playback Start 0x90 0x06 0x01
On Playback Stop 0x80 0x06 0x01

The Command Sent fields are MIDI messages in hex notation. These are simple three byte note on/note off messages. 0x90 is note on, 0x80 is note off, the next byte is the note number and the last byte is the velocity (always 01 in this context).